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Real Women Gift Shop
Our books and products for sale are designed to share beauty, raise consciousness, and raise money for women whose needs are great.

in US$

Time For Us Now - songbook  30.00
Time For Us Now - CD
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Real Stories - double CD
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"A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind" - book
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Interactive Postcard Set - 15 cards
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The Real Woman Creed - set of 4
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"Just Me" - 5-min video
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20.00 Out Of Stock
"Beauty That You've Always Been" - 5-min video
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20.00 Out Of Stock
Year 2000 Collector's Calendar
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RWP Participants Workbook
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RWP Facilitators Handbook by arrangement with the Real Women Project

NEW! Time For Us Now
Now Available!

The Real Women Project is proud to announce the release of our 13 song CD
Time for Us Now from Righteous Ride Records. Time for Us Now is available for $15 plus shipping and handling. This extraordinary CD of original music explores many of the themes discussed in the Real Women workshops.

An uplifting and soul-stirring collection of songs that celebrate and affirm women's wholeness and authentic beauty. This music makes the heart sing with its compelling lyrics, beautiful harmonies, driving beats, and multi-layered arrangements. Robin Adler, Gayle St. Gregory and Tina Wilson will bring you home to yourself, ease your pain, rock your soul and lift you up with their eclectic, soothing and original songs. Treat yourself to a unique CD that supports you in your search to find and affirm the beauty that you are.

NEW! The Real Women Project Real Stories
Now Available!

The Real Women Project is also very proud to announce the release of our
Real Stories
double-CD set of 21 stories read by award-winning storyteller Alyce Smith Cooper. Bringing the stories from our book to life!

A must-have double-CD set of stories and poems read by the incomperable storyteller Alyce Smith Cooper. These stories, excerpts from the cutting-edge anthology A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind, will expand your thinking, touch your heart, and inspire you to share your own stories of survivial in a culture obsessed with unreal beauty and unnatural thinness. The CD will serve as a mainstay of support for women everywhere who are re-defininng themselves, loving themselves back to health, and learning to find beauty within.

A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind - A Wake Up Call
Stories from the Real Women website compiled into a compelling anthology. A call to action, to mindfulness, and to the re-creation of a life-affirming and holistic definition of beauty.

"Bravo to the women brave enough to share their stories in this book. Doing so invites all of us to similarly share the experiences about our bodies. By telling our stories, we can unmask the damaging and unattainable images of beauty. Together, we can and must reject such a narrow definition of what is beautiful. We must challenge any definition of beauty that does not include ourselves not only because self-love and self-acceptance are fundamental to health and well-being, but simply because we deserve to enjoy and love our bodies unconditionally and to feel good about ourselves just as we are."

Barbara Harris
Editor in Chief,
Shape Magazine

Postcard Set - A set of 13 postcards that feature the 13 Real Women Bronze sculptures.
The Real Woman Creed - Affirmations written by Jan Phillips to support the strength, courage and beauty in all of us. This is a wonderful tool as a gift for graduates of programs. Each is worth framing!

Click on the small image of the Real Woman Creed to see a larger version

The Videotapes (out of stock) - " The Beauty You've Always Been" (from the "Real Women- Real Beauty" CD by Deborah Liv Johnson), "Just Me" and " Invisible Hero" (from the "Time for Us Now CD") are short videos produced by photographer Jan Phillips. These are moving and celebratory testaments to the beauty and power of women of all sizes, ages and heritage. These videos are extremely powerful and useful as opening and closing segments for workshops.
Millennium Calendar - The Millennium Calendar was a celebration of the diversity and beauty of women. It features striking photographs of the Real Women sculpture series and a corresponding poem for each woman and each month of the Year 2000.
Participants Workbook - The workbook offers exercises and suggestions inviting introspections and facilitated group discussions. The tools help clarify and develop awareness about the direct correlation between self-image and health. The workbook was designed to be used in conjunction with workshops. Each individual can add to it or choose from materials the RWP has developed. The workbook can be used on its own, with the images of the sculptures, the CD's and the book.
[ Other Healing Books ]

If you're interested in bringing the Real Women Project to your area, or sponsoring a facilitated workshop for your organization, please send an email to [email protected] for more information. These workshops incorporate the Real Women sculptures, video, music and personal stories to empower women and assist in our collective and individual redefining of beauty.

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© 1995-2025 the Real Women Project
Created on: 02/09/02
Last revised: 12/31/23
Web site by Outside the Box